We offer guaranteed destruction and erasure services that meet or exceed NIST 800-88 and Department of Defense 5220.22-M guidelines. With us, you can rest assured your data is destroyed. Our standard policy requires all hard drives are immediately wiped (1 pass all zeros) if given for data destruction. We offer this service free of charge. For more advanced destruction methods and Certificate of Data Destruction, see our prices below.
Tier 1:
FREE 1-Pass wipes for all electronics/hard drives recycled (minimum quantity of 10).
Tier 2:
1-Pass wipes with Certificate of Data Destruction $7/HD
Tier 3:
7-Pass wipes with Certificate of Data Destruction $9/HD
Tier 4:
Complete Platter Destruction and recycling of hard drive with Certificate of Data Destruction. $12/HD
All hard drives are either recycled or reused for salvage parts, unless otherwise requested.
Our electronics recycling and data destruction services include free pick up.* All HDs are placed in a secure lockbox and transported to our location for off-site destruction.
All recycled and released devices and drives must be signed off on our “RELEASE OF OWNERSHIP AND DATA LIABILITY…” form.
*Free pickups have limitations on quantity and distance. Please call or email (support@netgrouterinc.com) us for a quote.
Our phone number:778-653-6833
Our email – support@netgrouterinc.com
Every associate of netgrouter inc has undergone HIPAA training and has been certified as HIPAA business associates. We are strict enforcers of HIPAA’s security and privacy rules when handling e-PHI (electronic personal health information). The HIPAA Security Rule requires that covered entities implement policies and procedures to address the final disposition of e-PHI and/or the hardware or electronic media on which it is stored, as well as to implement procedures for removal of electronic PHI from electronic media before the media are made available for re-use. Our protocol ensures the safe transportation and destruction of e-PHI, validated by our signed and detailed certificates of data destruction.